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Posted ImageOfficer

Posted ImageCaptain
A captain usually leads a company of fighters, a gang of bandits really, and leads the fighters under his command to work in a specific area by "taxing" travellers and raiding caravans. A captain is usually fiercly loyal to whatever House he serves, though everyone has their price.

Posted ImageLieutenant - Posted Image Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Lieutenants are those serving under a Syndicate officer, usually a Captain, who are trusted by him. These are the ones that train the fighters under the Captain's command and ensure that they remain alert and ready. Lieutenants are, for the most part, utterly loyal to their captain and follow his orders without question.

Posted ImageElite

Posted ImageEnforcer - Posted Image
The Enforcers are the elite heavy infantry of the Syndicate, sometimes mounting horses and becoming as close to Knights as the Syndicate can get. While they lack the shining armour and years of training that Alliance knights recieve, the enforcers are no less able in war. Using ruthless methods to achieve their goals, the enforcers are the epitome of Syndicate fighting power able to go toe to toe with any infantry the enemy can field.

Posted ImageAssassin - Posted Image
Even more skilled in the art of death, assassins are those few who have gone on to perfect the arts of murder to an incredibly fine degree. The Syndicate employ many of these perfect killers and use them often against their enemies. "The enemy cannot lead an army without a leader."

Posted ImageWizard/Shadow Mage - Posted ImagePosted Image
Wizards are arcane spellcasters who have undertaken intensive study of magic in places such as the Violet Citadel of Dalaran or the Academies of Silvermoon in Quel'Thalas. They do not channel arcane power, but instead use their vast knowledge of otherworldly forces to harness the energies to their will.
Shadow Mages are magicians who have begun using fel magic to empower their already potent spells, while widely feared the Syndicate emply as many of these renegades as possible.

Posted ImageRegular

Posted ImageFootman - Posted Image
Footmen are warriors who serve as basic infantry in armies of the human nations. Fighting in close formation, they use proven tactical methods: Advance slowly with shields raised, then draw swords and close to melee range. The grim, mud-slogging soldier initially appears to be a grizzled veteran, until you get a glimpse of his young face. His weapons and armor look worn, like they were scavenged from a battlefield. Footmen like to travel in small groups and form ranks, they are attuned to formation fighting, and coordinate their attacks. While Syndicate footmen are far less well trained compared to Alliance footmen, they make up for it by their excellent use of guerilla warfare and sabotage.

Posted ImageFootpad - Posted Image
Syndicate footpads are the lighter version of footmen, they serve as light infantry, scouts, saboteurs, spies and various other subtle duties. They wear leather armour to give mobility and prefer ambush tactics over head-on combat. They work with footmen most of the time and there is a popular saying among the ranks of foopads "When you see one Syndicate footman there are ten footpads you don't see."

Posted ImageConjurer - Posted ImagePosted Image
Conjurers are seers of mystery, holders of secrets, and dwellers in dream. They are practitioners of the arcane arts, having learned through researching the ancient tomes to bend the forces of nature to do their will. They can make the energies of nature strike down opponents, summon forth great creatures or command the elements.
Conjurers sometimes become warlocks, highly specialized spellcasters who traffick with demonic entities. Upon becoming a warlock, the conjurer increases its devotion to the conjuration school, yet must forsake study in two other schools.

Posted ImageRecruit

Posted ImageBandit - Posted Image
Human bandits prey upon hapless travelers and soldiers alike. These lawless "rogues" think only of theft and burglary and enjoy causing great pain to their victims as well. Though the Alliance has offered large bounties towards the capture of these wretched men, they always find a way to slink back into the shadows of the wilds. Syndicate bandits, while fairly undisciplined, are far better equipped and cohesive than smaller independent groups of bandits and they usually put these independent groups out of business in any given area rather quickly either by cohercing them to join up or by simply killing them.

Posted ImageBrigand - Posted Image
Brigands were once loyal subjects of the king, but their greed and hatred has turned them against their own people. Like all cowards, they hide in the shadows, waiting to overpower their victims with surprise and numbers. Having been driven out of lawful settlements, they seek refuge wherever they can find it. Often armed with short swords and daggers, they rely upon their speed to fill their purses with ill gotten gains.

Posted ImageAdept - Posted ImagePosted Image
Adepts are generally spell casters in training to become members of other more experienced spell caster classes. However, this is not always the case as sometimes an adept is a spell caster who specializes in a single school of magic. An arcane adept is a dedicated mage with a natural predilection for one of the schools of specialization. They become more entrenched in whichever school they prefer.


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