Swords and Scepters
Chronicles of Azeroth offers you the throne of a fledgling kingdom in a fantasy world. As ruler, you make all the decisions that steer your kingdom-one of many in the land of Azeroth-towards rise or ruin. Azeroth is a land both majestic and ancient. It is filled with a variety of peoples, and its wilderness is ripe with strange creatures-some curious, many deadly. The magic that flows through this land both enriches and complicates the lives of its inhabitants. From desolate Northrend to the pleasant plains of Mulgore. Azeroth is a land of shifting aspect. Many forces are at work here, and where magic is involved, there are few limits to what is possible. This tendency toward constant change comes at a high price; Azeroth is a land without unity. While some kingdoms share relations and have established treaties, these, too, not to last.
Azeroth is without a central authority, making it a land of danger and uncertainty. This is the arena in which you must operate. Some might consider this land unstable and dangerous, but for a ruler who thrives on the elements of uncertainty and expected change, it can be a land of unending fascination.
Rewrite history as you take control as of your characters story, and watch it twist and turn as strange events unfold around you. Swords and Scepters introduces an RTS play-style to World of Warcraft and the <Chronicles of Azeroth>. Being one of Chronicles of Azeroths first major saga, you will be able to re-create the story of Warcraft right after the Third War.
Rules: The rules are quite simple. You create your character and enter the world and begin your journey. Each race will have its own benefits, and those with powerful benefits will also have major downfalls. For example: Forsaken are one of the hardest creatures to slay in Azeroth. Being undead and all, they don't need to breath or eat as a human would. That said, they're also quite frail, and are otherwise incapable of lifting something as heavy as a boulder, a feature a Tauren could accomplish.
Race |
Benefit |
Drawback |
Human |
Easily inspired |
Weak willed |
Dwarf |
Stout, Can turn into Stoneform, resistant to cold attacks |
Gnome |
Intelligent, Advanced Technology |
Small, Not as strong as other races |
Night Elf |
Extremely agile, can meld into the shadows, during Night Time they are empowered |
Weak during daylight hours |
Draenei |
Orc |
Troll |
Regeneration properties, strong, agile |
Subject to frenzy when in combat. |
Tauren |
Forsaken(Undead) |
Blood Elf |
Great manipulation of magic, agile |
Susceptible to arcane currents, hungers for arcane magic |
Ruler Name |
Chosen Title |
Race | Tabard and Colours |
Rulership Description |
Description |
Frederick von Elwynnshire |
Lord |
Human |
[Stormwind Tabard] - Blue and Gold |
Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes |
Lord Frederick is a kind and just ruler, putting his people first. He isn't one to charge headstrong into a battle, but instead approaches with a more peaceful solution with diplomacy. (Example) |
Location | Situation |
Benefit |
Eastern Kingdoms |
Dun Morogh | ||
Elwynn Forest |
Eversong Woods |
Tirisfal Glades |
Ghostlands |
Loch Modan |
Silverpine Forest |
Westfall |
Redridge Mountains |
Duskwood |
Hillsbrad Foothills |
Wetlands |
Alterac Mountains |
Arathi Highlands |
Stranglethorn Vale |
The Hinterlands |
Western Plaguelands |
Eastern Plaguelands |
Badlands |
Searing Gorge |
Burning Steppes |
Swamp of Sorrows |
The Blasted Lands |
The Scarlet Enclave |
Blackrock Mountain |
Deadwind Pass |
Isle of Quel'Danas |
Kalimdor |
Azuremyst Isle |
Durotar |
Mulgore |
Teldrassil |
Bloodmyst Isle |
Darkshore |
Azshara |
Barrens |
Ashenvale |
Stonetalon Mountains |
Desolace |
Dustwallow Marsh |
Feralas |
Thousand Needles |
Tanaris |
Felwood |
Un'goro Crater |
Winterspring |
Silithus |
Moonglade |
Outlands |
Hellfire Peninsula |
Zangarmarsh |
Terrokar Forest |
Nagrand |
Blade's Edge Mountains |
Netherstorm |
Shadowmoon Valley |
Northrend |
Borean Tundra |
Howling Fjord |
Dragonblight |
Grizzly Hills |
Zul'Drak |
Sholazar Basin |
Storm Peaks |
Crystalsong Forest |
Icecrown |
Wintergrasp |
Faction Name:
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