Introduction: The savage, green-skinned Orcs are one of the most prolific races of Azeroth. They are commonly believed to be brutal and mindless, possessing no humanity or empathy for other races. Born on the hellish world of Draenor, the Orcs were brought into the kingdom of Stormwind through the dimensional gateway known as the Dark Portal and forced to wage war on the Humans.
Although few are aware of their history, the Orcs once cultivated a noble, Shamanistic society on the world of Draenor. Tragically, the proud Orc clans were corrupted by the Burning Legion and used as pawns in the Legion’s invasion of Azeroth. The Orcs managed to rebel, however, and they were ultimately able to help turn the tide against their demon masters.
Led by the young Warchief, Thrall, the Orcs have reclaimed their
strength and honor. Now, the Orcs stand ready to fight not for the sake
of conquest, but for their right to survive in their adopted world.
Orc Information:
Affiliation: Horde
Leader: Warchief Thrall
Capitol: Orgrimmar
Main Language: Orcish
IC RP "Speak”: "English”, from broken crude to (sometimes rough) proper.
Main faith/Philosophy: Shamanism
Allies: Tauren, Undead*, Trolls, Blood Elves*
*some weariness – varies from orc to orc
Racial Enemy:
Burning Legion (Also shaky truce – enemies with Alliance forces)
Basic Height, Weight & Age:
Male Height: 6′8″-8′6″
Female Height: 6′2″-8′
Male Weight: 226-652 lb.
Female Weight: 186-612 lb.
Adulthood: 20 years.
Middle Age: 40 years.
Old: 65 years.
Venerable: 80 years.
Life Expectancy: 82-100 years.
Note: Blood is blackish-red.
OOC Culture Reference: Think a much friendlier Klingon base culture, with a shamanistic background.
If you've seen Lord of the Rings, or read any other fantasy story in which orcs are portrayed, you probably think orcs are hideous humanoid monsters charging mindlessly forward to slaughter helpless innocents. Azerothian orcs are significantly different, however, with a shamanistic culture that prides honor above all other virtues.
But unless you've played World of Warcraft or Warcraft 3, you probably wouldn't know that. The orcs of Warcraft 1 and 2 were pretty squarely in "bad guy" territory, and it is only with the story of Thrall's rise to power and return to shamanism that we find out what the orcs' true history is.
Ironically, the story of the orcs is a bit like that of the horrors of modern Nazis and the lore of the ancient Jews mixed together. Imagine that the vast majority of your species came under the sway of a terrible and evil leader, utterly determined to commit genocide against your peaceful neighbors. After carrying out this deplorable task, your people sought a new enemy, and found a new world to destroy. In the midst of this conquest, however, your people's political leadership failed, the way back home was cut off, and you all ended up as slaves in exile, lethargic and utterly without hope. Suddenly, a hero appeared to unite your people, overcome your former masters, restore your ancient faith, reclaim your dignity, and establish a new homeland.
What follows is a brief account of the events most orcs know about or lived through, and a glimpse of the effects they would have had on your character.
The Final Solution
The opening of the Dark Portal and entry into Azeroth is even more of a defining moment for the orcs than for the humans. But for older orcs (like Drek'thar), the fall of their people began about 45 years earlier, under the respected but ill-fated leader Ner'zhul. Kil'jaeden deceived him into believing that the draenei were plotting to destroy the orcs. By the time Ner'zhul realized his folly, it was too late -- Kil'jaeden made Ner'zhul's apprentice Gul'dan into the new leader and stripped Ner'zhul of his power. The orcs were already set in motion along a path of doom, and the extermination of the draenei was already underway.
If your orc character about 70 years old, he or she would have been born at about the time Kil'jaeden started to corrupt the orcs, growing up during the greatest changes in the history of their race, and witnessing their trainformation from a spiritual race into a genocidal maniacs. Such an elderly character might have early memories about about how Ner'zhul was deposed and Gul'dan came to power by uniting the clans into a single Horde and guiding his puppet Blackhand to become the first Warchief. He or she would also remember the number of shamans declining as Gul'dan taught warlock magic to more and more orcs, as well as the defining moment when Gul'dan invited all the orcs to drink the blood of Mannoroth, bringing all those who drank under control of the Burning Legion. Orgrim Doomhammer refused to drink, and Durotan even forbade the entire Frostwolf clan from drinking, which brought down great suspicion upon them.
If your character was a member of the Frostwolf clan, he would have had to watch while Durotan continued to voice opposition to the war against the draenei, the attack on Shattrath, and even the passage through the Dark Portal to conquer Azeroth. If your character was part of any other clan, however, she would have been consumed with blood rage like all the rest, and would have taken part in the horrors of the genocide, as well as the First and Second Wars. In the present time, looking back at those days, she may be filled with the same deep shame and regret, just like Drek'thar.
An orc born closer to the opening of the Dark Portal, 25 years prior to the setting of World of Warcraft, would have been raised in this bloodthirsty environment and would have been given the blood of Mannoroth as soon as possible -- unless he or she was a Frostwolf. The Frostwolves were exiled to the Alterac Mountains as soon as the Horde entered Azeroth. Here was the last remaining refuge for orcish shamanism, as Drek'thar finally turned away from the path of the warlock and regained the favor of the spirits. Thrall was also born here, around the same time that Orgrim Doomhammer killed Blackhand and made himself the new Warchief. When Durotan was killed, and his son thought lost, Drek'thar kept the Frostwolves going until Thrall finally returned many years later and brought renewal not only to the Frostwolves, but to the entire orcish race. If your character is a Frostwolf, he would be extremely proud of his leader and his people about now, having gone through a great deal of suffering in order to reach this point in history.
The rest of the orcs, however, did not fare so well. Things seemed to be going well after the First War, when the orcs headed north to finish off the humans in Lordaeron. During a time when Gul'dan was weak, Orgrim Doomhammer killed Blackhand and took over leadership of the Horde, forcing Gul'dan to submit to him. Later on, however, Gul'dan betrayed Orgrim and took off with a third of the Horde army in search of the Tomb of Sargeras. This left the door open for the newly formed Alliance to breach the ranks of the Horde plowing all the way back to the Dark Portal and destroying it. The humans reduced these orcs to slavery and kept them in internment camps, and, thus denied more access to the blood of Mannoroth, the orcs went into severe withdrawal and lethargy. Only Grom Hellscream's Warsong clan managed to remain free, hiding out in the wilds of Lordaeron, fighting the weakening listlessness of Mannoroth's blood curse until he met up with Thrall about 15 years after the end of the second war.
Let my people go
Thrall's story is not one that I could do justice to in this article, but if you're roleplaying an orc, it would do you a lot of good to know it. Check out Know Your Lore's two-part retelling of that story, and think about what your character was doing when those events were taking place. Were you fighting the withdrawal effects of the blood curse with Grom Hellscream when Thrall showed up after his escape? Were you in the Alterac Mountains with Drek'thar when Thrall returned to his clan? Were you freed by Thrall and Orgrim Doomhammer as they went from camp to camp liberating the orcs? However you met up with him, you probably traveled with the Horde in their exodus across the sea to Kalimdor -- but were you with Thrall's group or with Grom Hellscream's? Did you do when you met up with the Darkspear trolls on the islands near the Maelstrom? Did you aid the tauren in their battles with the centaurs? Or did you travel with Grom Hellscream's Warsong clan and confront the humans under Jaina Proudmoore? Did you stand with Thrall or with Grom Hellscream after Grom had once again drunk of Mannoroth's blood and tainted his clan? How did you feel when Grom slew Mannoroth and lifted the blood curse from your race? Where were you during the Battle of Mount Hyjal?
Perhaps more than any other race, the majority of the orcs can say that they shared in common most of the important experiences of the Third War (excepting of course, those elements we talked about last time involving humans and the Scourge). Since the end of that story, most of the orcs would consider Orgrimmar their new home -- but it is very important to remember that none of them could possibly have been born there, since Thrall founded new orcish nation of Durotar after defeating the Burning Legion. Older orcs would have been born in one of the regions of Draenor (which were very different prior to its becoming "Outland"), while younger orcs would have either been born somewhere in the conquered lands of Southeastern Azeroth (perhaps even the ruined Stormwind itself), or in one of the internment camps that orcs were later removed to.
Durotar has very much of a "Promised Land" feeling about it to those who believe in Thrall and in his cause -- but not all orcs are Thrall's devoted disciples. Especially if you are playing a warlock, you may live on the fringes of modern orcish society, continuing activities the Warchief has tried to forbid, including dark magic, slavery, and perhaps a lingering bloodthirstiness.
One final note: orcs sometimes have an undeserved and incorrect reputation for being incredibly stupid. This is probably caused by the image of orcish peons walking around doing menial tasks and speaking with poor grammar (i.e. "Me not that kind of orc!"). Remember: the peons who speak that way are a kind of "untouchable" class within orcish society, who are reduced to menial labor because of limited capacity, mental or otherwise. Thrall believes that they have the same potential as all the other orcs and is trying to improve their condition, but it is still unlikely that such an orc could rise to be a great adventurer just yet.
For further reading about the orcs, check out WoWWiki's mostly good (but sometimes inconsistent) information about the orcs and their various heroes, as well as the much-simplified Dramatis-Personae page on creating an orc of your very own, and if you are a member of Dramatis-Personae's roleplaying forums (as I suggest you should be), you can even read this thoroughly researched outline of various orcish clans and choose which clan your orc belongs to (or you can read about the clans on WoWWiki as well)! You may also find this updated timeline at WoWWiki useful as a reference.
Archtypes of Orcs
The Doomhammer Archetype
The natural born leader of the orcish people, these orcs most always rise through the ranks to become high ranking raiders and strategists. This breed of orc would sooner give his life then see his fellow orc fall in battle. They are more combative then the Thrall personality, seeking to personally end the corruption of their people by force. While unsure of Undead and blood elf allies, they remain calm and collected and keep their contempt for their new allies to themselves; most respect their leaders too much to speak out. However, they are not as pig-headed as the Grom archetype and believe that no matter the race everyone has the chance to be honorable.
The Thrall Archetype
This brand of orc is more diplomatic and understanding then any other orcish personality. They refuse to give into the racism and fear-mongering that brought their race into demonic corruption in the first place. They also refuse to believe that peace is unattainable and seek a day when the orcish people can finally have peace in their new home of Kalimdor. They are more likely to embrace their new allies, believing that there is good in any race. Some of this archetype are gullible, others are very keen-minded; either way, this brand of orc is a product of the new generation born on Azeroth.
The Grom Archetype
The most pig-headed, hard-headed, brash archetype of orc, they are ripe for corruption despite the good nature of some of them. They are the first to voice their disagreement with something, and the first to resort to violence. They are short sighted, short tempered, distrust their new allies and do little to hide this fact. Usually when an orc has this attitude, they're either big enough to back it up, or they don't live long.
The Gul'dan Archetype
No sentient race is above corruption, and the orcs are obviously no exception to this rule. Those of the Gul'dan archetype are corrupters and manipulators. They appear like a civilized orc on the surface, though most are below average physically and don't seem to merit much threat. However, their true threat is their keen intellect that can easily outwit and manipulate others to their cause.
Orc Views
The Horde
Blood Elves: While the orcs are grateful to have the blood elves as allies, it has to be said that they don’t trust them as far as they can rip the skull out of one of the spindly little bastards and throw it. And if they knew more of their history, they’d dislike them even more. And yet… while the average orc continues to see little in them, there is a group of orcs hoping for better.
The sticking point was M’uru. To the orcs, the capture of M’uru and the siphoning of energy from him was proof that the Sin’dorei didn’t have strength. After all, they needed to steal it. Without strength, there is no honour. While they respected the blood elves’s magical power, the orcs have never had much time for magic. They don’t even have any warriors! How can they be any good? That they openly allowed warlocks in their society sealed the deal; many orcs probably have spent a lot of time arguing for throwing the blood elves straight back out of the horde again.
But cooler heads among the orcs note the parallel; the Sin’dorei are much like the orcs used to be: Under a blood curse. And now, of course, the curse has lifted. These orcs probably have very high standards for the blood elves; the orcs swiftly went from demonic terrors to proud warriors when their curse was lifted. These orcs will be disappointed if similar efforts are not made by the blood elves. Sadly, it has yet to be seen that the blood elves have their Thrall. (Unless Thrall becomes their Thrall, and I wouldn’t put it past him.)
"You’re being unkind, brother. The elves have had a hard lot dealt to them. But there’s a new hand now. Give them a year. If they have not become loyal brothers in a year, then I will join your howls of protest.”
Tauren: Ah, the tauren! The only race native to the lands most of the orcs call home, the tauren are so close to the orcish ideal that if they didn’t exist, the orcs would have invented them for their stories. Massive, proud creatures who are mighty in battle, plain and honest in speech; holding to a shamanic tradition with startling parallels to that of their own kind… it’s no wonder the two races got along so swiftly, nor is it mere history that keeps the bond between them so strong. This is pure speculation, but I think it seems likely that Cairne Bloodhoof is Thrall’s most trusted advisor. And that’s a sentiment that goes all the way down the ranks.
It’s not that the tauren are thought of as ‘honorary orcs’ in the way that humans see dwarves as short humans, or dwarves see gnomes as somewhat odd dwarves. The tauren have their own traditions, architecture, and way of life. Orcs see them as fundamentally different to themselves. But they do not see this as a problem – They agree on all the important points, and as such, the orcs and tauren may just have the most solid alliance of any two races in the game.
"Tell a tauren the truth, he will tell you truth in turn. Defend one, he will defend you in turn. Betray one, and it is us who will punish you in turn.”
Trolls: But where does this leave the trolls? They have a history with the orcs going back further than that of the tauren; indeed, the tauren alliance is young. The trolls have stood by the orcs and fought wars with them, they have shown considerable strength, so why is it that the tauren have swept into the favour they once had?Two words: Voodoo.
Like it or not, the orcs can’t seem to stamp the old practices out of the trolls. Voodoo continues to this day, and as such, orcs wonder if darker (and thus better hidden) practices like cannibalism continue as well. The trolls say no. Not all orcs believe them.
Really, I’m over-stating. Trolls live among orcs, they eat the same food and drink the same water. No race is as integrated with orcs as trolls, which goes a long way to earning trust. But to many orcs, there are two kinds of troll. There are trolls who are like orcs. The trolls are, for all intents and purposes, orcs like them. There’s no real difference. And then there are trolls like trolls. Both kinds are allies, but only the former are friends.
"You should trust him. He’s no hoogoo-man, or whatever they call themselves. He’s good troll. He walks with fire and earth, not … hoogoo… things. Look, he’s good troll.”
Undead: There’s not a single damn orc alive who trusts the undead, but there are a few who trust an undead. This is about how the state of affairs between orcs and the Forsaken stand.
Orcs actually have a lot of respect for the undead. Their warriors are absolutely fearless (when you don’t have adrenaline any more, it’s easy to not be scared) and not one orc will argue that fighting an undead warrior is an easy task; you can literally hack limbs off them and they’ll keep on coming at you. That they admit warlocks into their ranks is a sharp mark against them, of course, a very sharp mark against them. But in some ways, expectations were low. The fact that they had any promise at all impressed a lot of orcs.
However, they fail miserably on the honour half of the equation. They’re deceitful, sneaky bastards; and even the forsaken aren’t much interested in denying this. Most of the forsaken quite frankly admit they aren’t very frank, honestly note their honesty is suspect. Rumours of the Apothecary Society have leaked, as well. Most orcs don’t know what they’re up to, but they know it exists.
But the orcs aren’t believers in racial honour. They believe in personal honour. And an individual forsaken may well have true honour. And an individual orc may come to see that there is a peculiar honour in the Forsaken’s admission of treachery; they’re openly stating the terms of the relationship. That’s not as good as being a true friend, but it’s better than being a pretend one. The interesting thing is that Travis tells me later quests I’ve not yet seen in the game make it pretty clear that Thrall trusts Sylvanas completely. I don’t doubt him. But that doesn’t mean Thrall trusts the Forsaken as a whole, and I suspect he doesn’t. Many other orcs are in similar positions.
"Pay very close attention to an undead’s words. You’ll learn more from what he doesn’t say than what he does.”
The Alliance
Draenei: Close to thirty years ago. the draenei were the first victims of the blood curse; slaughtered almost to a man by the rising Old Horde. It’s long enough for it to have become a dividing issue within the orcish horde. Most orcs take a middle line; arguing that the Burning Legion deserves the full blame for the draenei’s death. They hold no great animosity toward the draenei but also feel no particular guilt. Others, a mixture of younger orcs who look at the events with fresh eyes and elder orcs who question the inevitability of the events, may argue that the orcs need to accept more of the blame – Their claws remain stained with blood. These orcs may well be inclined to not attack a draenei unless they’re forced to. Why kill more of them? Finally, there may a backlash against this: Orcs who argue that not only should the orcs not be blamed, but the draenei’s defeat merely proves the draenei’s weakness. These ones may target them first, to prove it wasn’t their fault. After all, if an orc can kill a draenei without any demonic strength, it merely proves the draenei weren’t fit to survive.
(Note: As always, speculation. These are not formal groups but rather role-playing possibilities.)
"We meet on a new world, blue-skin! This time my skin is green, and the only red will be the flames as we burn!”
Dwarves & Gnomes: To the orcs, the gnomes and dwarves are interchangeable. Both are short, found where humans are, and act to build machines of war. For this, your average orc spits at them. They do not know the legendary dwarvish honour, if they did, they’d be more interested. But instead, all they see are short people hiding behind machines, hurling bombs, and flying in weird devices. This is power, but not strength. Your average orc is going to attack a gnome or dwarf as swiftly as possible; who knows what weird device he’ll pull out if he gets the chance?
"Oh, look. What device is this, little dog? That’s right, dog; lapdog of the humans. Tell me why it’s flashing. Tell me why it’s beeping! Tell me why it’s get.. getting hot. Troops, run! Leave the device with the dog!”
Humans: Ah, the humans. The first race the orcs fought on Azeroth.. and their first defeat. And their second. (They had a victory in between, of course.) Oddly enough? This has caused a strange relationship with the orcs and humans. While some orcs will still harbour bitter resentment over their slavery, particularly those who suffered most under it, most orcs acknowledge that the humans won. Few orcs will ever question the humans strength – Though individually weak, the humans are strong as a whole, and the orcs admire this.
The question is honour, and here, orcs are divided. Those who have dealt with Jaina Proudmore and her men, and that’s not an inconsiderable number given her place in Kalimdor politics, are likely to see humans as basically honourable. They acknowledge the failings of others as not representative of them as a whole. These orcs see the conflict with pride; the humans are a worthy foe, and to die fighting a human is the second greatest honour an orc can see. (Killing them would be the first.) Others who have not will instead see them as basically treacherous, and instead fear the humans as a force to be exterminated. These orcs likely advocate a return to open warfare; Thrall is particularly devoted to bringing this group in line. Oddly enough, the best way to do this is to let them fight Jaina’s forces, and let them see the truth.
"What? A single human? This is all that they send to me? Pah! … ah, wait! Here come two more. Now, finally we have a battle!”
Night Elves: The Kal’dorei, by contrast, are a tricky lot. They fight from shadows, strike hard and vanish, and disfavour a straight up fight. None the less, they’ve given the orcs headaches, which few of them would deny. In the end, though, this ends up probably just angering them more. The humans these days are mostly based in Stormwind, a continent away from most orcs. The night elves are right up on their doorstep. The orcs are seeing their dead come in from these women, and that’s likely to upset them. Given more distance, the orcs may someday see the night elves as they see the humans. But that time is not now.
"For every elf you see, there are four you don’t. Plan accordingly.”
Viewing the Classes
Death Knight: Fools, one
and all. How have these orcs not learned the lesson of the blood curse;
strength gained by enslaving yourself to another is no strength at all.
Orcs are likely to view the Death Knights with more fear than contempt.
Orcs, like most species, are pretty awed by the
druids. The ability to turn into an animal is simply incredible, no
matter who you are. However, you have to wonder how many orcs are a
little distrustful of them. One of the odder elements of the orcs is
that they’re a surprisingly religiously intolerant bunch; the only
religion they truly trust is shamanism. As we’ve said previously, druids
are an exclusive, secretive religious order. The orcs natural trust for
the tauren probably masks their distrust of the druids… for now.
: Hunting is a classic way of
life for the orcs. They were a hunting race on Draenor, and they remain
one on Azeroth. There’s not a lot that orcs won’t do with hunting; while
it’s a very practical thing for them (it gets them food) they have
unending respect for the ‘big game’ hunter, provided it’s truly big
game. They aren’t interested in over-powered shows of dominance against
smaller creatures, and they have no use for ‘keeping the balance’
arguments the elves favour, but otherwise, what can’t a hunter do?
The orcs don’t see magic as a crime, they just
don’t see it as natural. And that’s a huge difference. Magic doesn’t fit
the orcish mind; under it all they’re a pretty practical race. An axe
in someone’s face is as good as a fireball to their mind, and quicker.
That said, they know the trolls practice the arcane arts and don’t much
mind. They hold no reverence for magic, but may do for a strong
magician. Despite it all, a mage’s strength comes from his own will and
might. That’s enough reason for the orcs to respect a mage.
Paladin: Bah! There was once a
time when the orcs feared the paladins; they were mysteriously powerful
knights and warriors that the humans and dwarves used to obliterate
their numbers. Now, though, they’ve seen the blood elves do it, and have
seen them siphon power off a strange ancient creature. That’s not your strength. That’s stolen strength. If the humans and dwarves are similar, then they’ve been frightened of them for no reason.
A priest isn’t a warlock. But the difference is
in degrees rather than type. Both give themselves in service to a lord
they cannot trust. As such, they themselves are not trustworthy.
Rogue: Most orcish rogues are part (either by birth or adoption) of
The Shattered Hand clan. Of all the roguish groups in the game, if you
want to play an authentic assassin, these are your guys. Their contacts
are insane, they’re stealthy killers and frankly, the whole group feels
like they could be operating with the assistance of mind-altering
chemicals. However, remember that these are not another "secret police”
group. They operate on the orcs’ enemies, not their people.
Shaman: Shamans are the
guides and keepers of the orcish people, and it’s a post of tremendous
respect. Their version of shamanism is highly energetic and ferocious,
dominated by athletic wardance and dominating calls to the spirits. When
they lead the orcs in worship, it is a terrifying but energising
experience that ends with warriors ready for anything. Your average
orcish shaman is intense, maybe a little wild, but wise.
Warlocks: Dangerous fools and wastrels, to be slaughtered on sight. Those orcs who are warlocks are, pretty much exclusively, involved in conspiracy and are probably linked to the Burning Blade clan. I cannot stress this enough; to role-play an orc warlock well, you need a cover identity. Wear pants instead of robes when walking around, claim a profession that plausibly excuses you and never, ever
have your demon out in public. You are a wolf hidden among the sheep, a
servant of the dark lords. You will be killed if you are found out.
Hide, wait, and plan.
Warrior: Lok-tar ogar! The warriors are the backbone of orcish society. To the orcs, while the shamans are revered, to be a warrior is expected.
Whenever an orcish son (and these days, hell, maybe daughters too) is
born, their mother sees a warrior waiting to become. Shamans place
blessings of strength on them before they can walk. You have grown up
from the moment you could understand a word to understand that true
honour is won in battle. Orcish warriors are thus confident, determined,
and above all comfortable in a fight.
Orc Clans
Black Tooth Grin Clan
Leaders: Rend Blackhand and Maim Blackhand
Clan Colors: Black
Domains: Blackrock Spire, Black Morass
The sons of chieftain Blackhand made a clan similar to the Shattered Hand clan in the new Horde. Assassins and other shady figures are quite normal there. A small note, the two assassinated Thrall's parents on Gul'dan's order. Before you join, you must knock out one tooth. Naturally, they are part of the dark Horde.
Blackrock Clan
Past leader: Orgrim Doomhammer, Blackhand the Destroyer, Jubei'Thos
Recent leader: Rend Blackhand
Clan Color: Red
Domains: Blackrock Spire, Burning Steppes
The old Horde I like to call it, now the dark Horde. These are orcs that never let go of the first and second war mentality, they must conquer all of Azeroth, it is the only reason why they are there. Hostile to all but their few allies, this is a warmachine not to be tampered with. Some of the Blackrocks have joined Thrall’s Horde in honour of their old chieftain, Orgrim Doomhammer.
Bleeding Hollow Clan
Past leader: Kilrogg Deadeye
Current leaders: Jorin Deadeye (Mag'har), Grillok "Darkeye", Warlord Morkh (Fel Horde)
Clan Colors: Green (Later Orange)
They have little obstacles to create a history with but still have a nice pile of information. One part of this clan is part of the fel Horde or Mag'har whom remained behind, the other part is one of Thrall's. After the interment camps were smashed, some joined out of gratitude as most clans did. They, alongside with the Warsong and Shattered Hand Clan under guidance of Ner'zhul returned to Draenor right before the other clans were captured. They remained there for two years untill the human expeditions were raging and the world was about to be destroyed. Right in the nick of time, they broke through the human fortifications with the two others clans and reached Azeroth, only to be captured once more. This is quite a standard clan, with warriors reigning supreme.
Bonechewer Clan
Leader: Tagar Spinebreaker
Clan Colors: Green
They were a clan known for decorating themselves with bones and organs, also their cannibalism. This clan was eradicated due the ownage of the skull of Gul'dan. The few survivors now scavenge around Hellfire Citadel as fel orcs.
Burning Blade Clan
Affiliation: Burning Legion.
Leader: Formerly none, Neeru Fireblade is now the leader. Klass Metalfist and Al'arr Darkhills lead other sects of the clan.
Clan Colors: Orange
The Burning Blade clan used to be a group of psychopathic warriors and dark warlocks working for the Shadow Council. A Burning Blade warrior of that time would not be allowed to fight with the rest, oh no, you need to trap your enemies, unleash them there, lock the door, and wait untill it's over. Turns of events made this group die over time. The Shadow Council was no more, Thrall was the leader now, they were too hot-headed.. They were their own downfall. A very small number was captured to be inspected by mankind why they were even fiercer than the other orcs. Those are now all blademasters, they are able to think at last, and that combined with their excellent skills in battle... Wow.
A minor demon named Zmodlor whom infested Durotar during the colonization somewhat revived the clan's idea, but this time, the warriors would be able to think and the warlocks would be even more stealthy. These are orcs against Thrall's Horde, against the treaty with the Alliance. If you ask me, they'd do excellent in the Blackrock or Black Tooth Grin clan. But, these infect the Horde and wish to bring it down from within.
Dragonmaw Clan
Current Leaders: Zuluhed the Whacked (Illidari faction, Outland), Overlord Mor'ghor (Illidari faction upon Zuluhed's death (Presumed)), Nek'rosh Skullcrusher (Dark Horde faction, Azeroth)
Past Leader: Nekros Skullcrusher (Killed by Alexstrasza)
Clan Colors: White
Domains: Angerfang Encampment, Netherwing Ledge, Dragonmaw Fortress
They were ‘boss’ of a dragon and her children for some time in the wars, much to dismay of the alliance of course. Of course, other dragons wouldn’t stand by. They Dragonmaw Clan, which was centered in the Wetlands, was eradicated. Survivors returned to Outland and now serve Illidan Stormrage as fel orcs on their netherdrakes.
Frostwolf Clan
Past leaders: Garad, Durotan, Thrall
Current Leader: Drek'Thar
Clan Colors: Blue and White
Domains: Frostwolf Keep, Orgrimmar
With Drek’thar as their leader, the Frostwolf Clan lives free of the Horde in the Alterac Mountains where they are in constant conflict with Dwarven archeologists. Though not ‘part’ of the Horde, they do lend their hand in times of great need if needed. This is a very shamanistic clan, and has never been a slave to the Burning Legion.
Laughing Skull Clan
Leader: Mogor the Ogre
Clan Colors: Yellow
The Laughing Skull clan is a very deceptive and treacherous clan of Orcs that is distrusted by most of the other clans. Their treacherous leader Mogor the Ogre Lord ordered his Clan to remain in Draenor during both of the crossings. These are now fel orcs.
Shadowmoon Clan
Past leader: Elder Shaman Ner'zhul
Possible past leader: Magtheridon
Possible recent leader: Illidan Stormrage
Clan Color: Black
This is the clan where it began with. Some of them, in Draenor, managed to survive it's destruction and stayed there as fel Orcs. The others perished or remain their to fight in very, very few numbers.
Shattered Hand Clan
Leader: Kargath Bladefist
Clan Colors: White
Most of them remained behind in Hellfire Citadel as the fel Horde, some of them now serve as rogues for the Horde. The fel orcs often have a weapon for a hand, the result of self-mutilation.
Stormreaver Clan
Leader: Gul'dan the Warlock
Clan Colors: Blue
Domains: Stormwind and Balor, Azeroth
This is Gul'dan's clan, they defended Stormwind and Balor for a while, but left prior before the second's war loss to aid their leader in finding the tomb of Sargeras. There are little to no survivors, a survivor would be a warlock or necrolyte that remained wicked, or probably very regretful in willfully taking part in Gul'dan's plan.
Thunderlord Clan
Leader: Fenris the Hunter, Garm Wolfbrother
Clan Colors: Violet
A clan renowned for their raiders, they stayed in Draenor untill the second war, then they wanted to storm Stormwind. Ner'zhul, whom was with the Bleeding Hollow, Warsong and Shattered Hand Clan did not approve. The Shadowmoon Clan eradicated said group.
Twilights Hammer Clan
Warsong Clan Clan
Past leader: Grommash Hellscream
Recent leader: They are now part of the new Horde under the leadership of Thrall.
Clan Colors: Red since before the Second, in the past Purple, though some wear Black.(Warsong Tabard)
Clan of the legendary Hellscream whom died a hero’s death. Even though they are easily corrupted and hotheaded which the past has shown, they are vital to the Horde’s existence and serve as excellent warriors led by their fearless blademasters.