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<The Iron Circle>

Guild Name: <The Iron Circle>
Faction: Neutral
Guild Leader: Captain Hector Roth
Guild Type: Mercenary / Trade
Headquarters: Raptor Ridge / Dun Modr / Faldir's Cove
Leading NPCs: Naggashil Sunsworn(Blood Elf, Creator of The Iron Circle)
Occupies: 7th Seat The Dark Lord(Dark Iron, Creator of The Iron Circle)
Occupies: 1st Seat Nethermaven Morrigan(Human, Rogue Sorceress, Naggashil's Apprentice)
6th Seat Keraptise(Worgen, Warlock, Naggashil's Apprentice)
2nd Seat

Posted Image Nazin Redthorn (Human, Ex SI:7 Agent, Former Defias Captain)
Occupies: 5th Seat Wajabi (Dark Troll, Witch Doctor, ShadowTooth Tribe)
Occupies: 4th Seat Kol'gran (Blackrock Orc, Dark Shaman, Storrmcaller Clan)
Occupies: 3rd Seat

Guild Primary Location(s): Mid Eastern Kingdoms (Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Wetlands, Menethil Harbor, Arathi Highlands, Southshore, Stromgarde)
Military Composition: Characteristics of The Iron Circle military include armour forged with all manner of wicked barbs, hooks and blades, and their uniforms tend to be dark sombre colours such as purple, indigo or black. Their swords and spearheads tend to be hooked and serrated for catching enemy blades and inflicting severe injuries.
Trade Composition: The members of The Iron Circle are skilled craftsmen, taking pride in their wares. The Iron Circle has no qualms about dealing with anyone who can meet their prices, going even so far as to arm both sides of the same conflict. However, just because The Iron Circle trades with anyone doesn’t mean they’re friendly. If The Iron Circle decides that you’re competition, there’s no trick to which they won’t stoop to maintain their market share.
Government: The society of The Iron Circle is a hierarchical one, with Naggashil, at the top. It has been argued, however, that The Iron Circle are in truth a Machiavellian society, with one man at the top and several powerful underlings in competition with each other, all vying for power but simultaneously preventing others from getting it. Naggashil allows this to continue because it keeps all sects strong by culling the weak, but also keeps them under his complete control. A fringe benefit of these positions is that their lives belong to Naggashil; only he may order their execution and he will punish those who killed his lieutenants.
Purpose of the Guild: The guild is planned to bring a combination of conflict, corruption, chaos, drama, disorder, trade, piracy, bandit raids and mercenary roleplay to the many factions and guilds that inhabit the Eastern Kingdoms.
Concept of the Guild: The guilds banner is a picture of a series of iron circles(or rings) connected together; thus the name The Iron Circle. Each circle symbolizes a sub-group of the guild with its own unique characteristics. To Azeroth, The Iron Circle are known as a free company, hired blades or even mercenaries. Behind all this, The Iron Circle seeks fortune, fame, knowledge and power. To do this, the guild will use a lot of cunning, political sway, dirty tactics and cheap war-fare to get what they want.

Tenets of The Iron Circle
I. Never dishonor The Iron Circle.

II. Never betray The Iron Circle or its secrets.
III. Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from an Iron Circle superior.
IIIV. Never steal the possessions of a brother or sister of The Iron Circle.

V. Never kill a brother or sister of The Iron Circle.

Guidelines on Banditry

    One silver and one silver only

    Never ask for more than one silver coin, ever. Asking for a silly amount of silver such as twenty or even thirty is unacceptable, that is far too much for banditry to be an enjoyable part of an RP experience. If you're wondering why, well I will quote a wonderful movie villain, the Joker: "It's not about money, it's about sending a message."

    Do not attack and kill unless attacked or taunted

    The purpose of banditry is not to kill fellow players. If a player is the victim of banditry and plays along with it well then they deserve the courtesy of not being victim of mindless killing. If a player is the victim of banditry and decides to fight, insult, yell etc regardless of how outnumbered he/she is then attacking is fine, should they continue to attack then they deserve to die.

    Do not chase
    If a player decides to either run around a group of bandits or simply ride right through then simply ignore them. If they do not want to RP it then leave it be, we will not chase after every single player that decides they would rather just ignore RP than to play it out properly. If a victim runs as part of the RP and expects to be captures a small bit down the road then chasing is ok.

    Keep your mask on

    You may be required to venture into Alliance towns and interact with Alliance citizens on a regular basis. This means that everyone needs to keep their mask on at all times except when they are undercover to avoid having their identities discovered.

    Do not raid without permission and/or an officer present
    No member is allowed to perform any sort of raid unless given permission by the group leader and accompanied by an officer. This is to prevent drama from rising due to unorganized attacks on players.

    Evaluate the situation before acting
    If you are alone and your target is protected by five guards then attacking is a bad idea. Observe the situation, look at your surroundings, ensure that the odds are in your favour or do not attack at all.

    Use your surroundings to your advantage
    Your surroundings is your friend. Caravans, traders and travelers tend to use the road, bushes and trees on the side of the road make for excellent hiding places to prevent detection. Use your mind.

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In a kingdom of which bore trims of gold and lines of red lived there a rather majestic folk. They were a folk not too merry nor joyous, and yet very haughty, and all the more powerful. They were a sophisticated folk, and yet this did not stop their thirst for magics of many a sort. They bore manes of gold and eyes of emerald, they donned silks of scarlet and it is said their youth and beauty both never parted. And yet we shall delve deeper into halls of black and purple, where the sun did not dare shine its gleaming beams of gold, where the very walls hissed with curses said to wrought only in the pits of hell. This place I pray you know now, for I hardly dare to murmur its name, so beautiful yet so terrible; The House of Sunsworn is it called, sunbane I daresay being nearer the mark. Head of this house was none other than a magician said to wield powers of which mundane men could not dream to bear themselves. Even more now do I wish you knew of him, he who is none other than Naggashil Sunsworn, son of one I would not dare imagine. And yet this tale shall be told behind his path, for his path of which was straight came forked roads of forked roads, roads for more folk of which you shall not hear of in this tale.

        On a particularly gloomy evening, drool and damp, Naggashil of Sunsworn was spending that very same evening peering unto an old piece of parchment. And yet while the ink scribed upon was rather small, and did not take up even half the page, Naggashil loomed over it for many an hour, and when all did seem at its strangest, he finally did rise, and as he did, it seemed a shadow grew about him. In our measure, he stood at the very ‘least 7 foot in height, and as he raised his head and yelled aloud, his voice, I should swear, shook the walls themselves; ‘Thaerissian!’ He did cry, ‘Come to me, bring by your side three others, and pray you make it quick!’ And then it was that an elf shorter of stature yet still not yet short soon came with a notable dignity and pride not easily forgotten, his chest puffed and his chin raised, his smooth, golden hair tied back neatly in place by a bow of scarlet. Following behind he was, as you know, three others, all nearing in a fashion same as Thaerissian himself; even the female elf, who was short even for an elf, yet beautiful and pale, Lindae, who stood as a man amongst gnomes, neared in such a haughty manner that Naggashil turned with a sparkle of appreciation in his deep, emerald eyes. ‘Bid you three ride by my side to lands far; lands called by men Stormwind,’ said he in a tongue of which would brighten the hearts of any, even those who did not know its meaning, ‘as so I will meet a friend and ally of old. Summon forth now our steeds,’ (For indeed, it is commonly known that in a house as this bore no steeds of this world) ‘and let us ride without halt until we should not be able to any longer!’

        And indeed they left their halls of darkness, and after the lustrous kingdom, and rode for many a day. None dared stand in their way, and for a week they rode, the very hooves of their steeds immolating the stones of which bore their galloping. None, I would say, save for a large party of an especially brave people. It was in a mountains between those cold and hot that an odd sort made an even more peculiar noise! Naggashil raised up his hand, and immediately those behind him came to a stop, along with he himself. While irritated by this intrusion, he was as well intrigued, for he knew these mountains well, and he suspected what many dare not name; a drake of black. He looked about, the slightest of sneers formed on his still-calm face. Again a noise arose from nowhere; now Naggashil was angered, ‘Reveal yourselves,’ he cried, ‘Show yourselves, ‘lest you force my hand be raised, and your homes be withered!’ And it was then a loud ‘oomph!’ was heard, and it was followed none too sound by a large thud, and the fainting sound of fire when it has suddenly dispersed. The elf you will remember as Thaerissian had fallen over the side of his now-gone horse, the side of his head coated in a liquid terrible yet not at all magical; the blood of scarlet.

        Immediately Naggashil raised up his hand, and a terrible darkness engulfed the skies themselves; he roared with fury as suddenly, the noises were no more, and in a heartbeat, more thuds as mentioned before were heard every second. For indeed you may have guessed that our dark conjurer had called forth some power awesome in a whole, for not even his companions knew of it as it had left, and to their ignorance I am no acceptation. He cursed the name of his foes, and he knew by now all too well whom they were; The Dark Iron of the mountains searing. He cried aloud, and his voice, you would not be surprised to hear, could more likely than not be noted from the kingdom of Ironforge itself, were more noble dwarves reside, ‘I, Naggashil Sunsworn, hereby swear upon thee who would fell a brother of my House vengeance! Witness soon my power so terrible and so great, that the very sun, if ever it would shine here, would be blackened, and you yourselves will be in awe and fear both before the end! I deem you Enemy of Sunsworn, Lord of Dark Iron, so ready your meager tools and your pathetic magics, warn your lords and send for your ‘locks, they shall do naught but delay the inevitable!’ And with that, he and his fellows rode forth, at a speed so great I could not hope to describe it, even, I daresay, if I were to scribe it upon many a page more.

        And not too soon did they come before a place that truly would make you tremble, and it seemed Sunsworn knew it all too knew; the Kingdom of the Lord of Dark Iron. ‘None shall enter save me, and none shall leave save me and the head of the Lord.’ Commanded Naggashil in a voice cold and commanding both. The elves simply dipped their heads, and Naggashil dismissed his steed. He approached slowly the gates, and raised a hand. Immediately they began to open, and yet, as they reached to the mid-way, they all but trembled and fell. Naggashil entered the dominion, and it was not so great a castle as you may have thought, for the first and only room was the room of which donned a great throne, of which itself donned a rather great dwarf. His black beard reached well past his knees, and on his head was a crown of embers and shadow. He held in his hand a sceptre of gold, and his garbs were nothing less than regal. His voice was deep, and nearly as intimidating as Naggashil’s itself; ‘Who dares knock down upon my doors of which have stood for a hundred years and more? Who dares enter my presence without first the grant of audience? Who dares, I ask?’

        Looking about, Naggashil grinned to himself. He realized all too well that his House was, as of late, as you well know lacking. He spoke then, and while you expected his hand of wrath, he instead spoke words of kindness, ‘Oh king, oh king of kings, I beg you pardon for your doors, of which I merely mean to say I shall gift to you doors twice as strong! I ask of you now your hand in comradeship, for my House is nearly so great as your Kingdom here, and by bid of yours, shall we thrive ever more in river of gold!’ The dwarf, do not mistake my meaning, loved more than anything gold, and to thrive in rivers of it was beyond his wildest hopes. And yet he laughed, a cruel bellow, standing and laughing still, ‘Head of House be you, o’ Naggashil of whom’s name does not escape my ears? I know too well your House of which is weak, your house of which I would crush with a flick of my wrist! How dare you come upon my carpets and declare your empty offerings! Be you away!’ And then it was that the dwarf raised his sceptre, and from it a terrible thing occurred; the very doors themselves all but broke apart, and hurled toward Naggashil. Now, as you likely know, these doors were made of only the finest metals in the land. Yet Naggashil, so cunning and so devious, had expected such things, and he raised his hands, crying aloud a chant of which would curse you merely by reading it. And it was then that a battle of ages had arisen, and they say to this day that the two had fought for many an hour, and only by the slightest did Naggashil claim the title of victor.

        ‘Pray you have mercy!’ cried Lord Dwarf, ‘Pray you have mercy, I say, for I knew not of your prowess, and I have mis-heard tales of your generosity! Let us be allies, let us break these bonds of which my master holds me unto, and let us build a Kingdom in which elf and dwarf shall rule all of Azeroth!’ Naggashil of course did not believe the dwarf could truly give such things, and yet, he took the dwarf in hand, and said, ‘You are a wizard worthy of song, and for this shall you rule under I as king, whereas I shall be emperor! We shall -’ And yet, before he had finished, the halls themselves turned to the colour of flames, and a great roar made all else silent. Rows of monstrosities, borne by fire encroached, decimating all in their paths of havoc, crying aloud curses in a tongue of which not even Naggashil himself knew of. The dwarf and he fled, for they hadn’t energy left, and they fled, it is said, to a mountain not so dark as the Searing Gorge, yet not so bright as Silvermoon. There it was that they began their reigns, and under them would be born a new world. A world of their own.

Short Term Objectives:
- Posted Image Begin short-term based mercenary contracts.
     - Posted Image Reach out and recruit new, yet trustworthy members for The Iron Circle.
     - Posted Image Become a known merchant and mercenary guild.
- Posted Image Make contact with the Dark Iron Dwarves.
     - Posted Image Move into Dun Modr after gaining Dark Iron favor.
Posted Image Construct a small camp in Wetlands.
     - Posted Image Clear out Raptor Ridge for The Iron Circles base.
     - Posted Image Build up fortifications.
     - Posted Image Build up a small collection of treasure and resources.

Mid Term Objectives:

- Posted Image Make trade contracts with neighboring factions, groups and guilds.
     - Posted Image Make contact with Stromgarde.
     - Posted Image Make contact with Menethil Harbor.
     - Posted Image Make contact with other interested investors.
     - Posted Image Begin research on new ways to smelt Dark Iron Ore.
- Posted Image Begin construction of first ship, The Cutpurse / Purchase a ship for the purpose of trade.
     - Posted Image Build/Purchase a small fleet of ships.
- Posted Image Assist Dark Iron Clan in the war against the Dark Horde.
     - Posted Image Claim Dun Modr for The Iron Circle; kill anyone who opposes or refuses to join.
- Posted Image Become a minor faction.
     - Posted Image Form The Crimson Flame Conclave/The Bloodstone Coven for research on magical enchantments.
     - Posted Image Train the members of The Iron Circle into disciplined soldiers.

Long Term Objectives:
- Posted Image Become a nation.
     - Posted Image Begin construction plans for Iron Keep.
- Posted Image Assist the Dark Iron Dwarves in conquering and reclaiming Blackrock Mountain.
     - Posted Image Inspire a Dark Iron rebellion.
     - Posted Image Claim Blackrock Mountain for The Iron Circle by using the rebellion against them.
     - Posted Image Slay Ragnaros.
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Phase Mercenary:

Description: My rank. I'm the guild owner.

Description: Officers are those serving under an Iron Circle Captain, who are trusted by him. These are the ones that train the fighters under the Captain's command and ensure that they remain alert and ready. Officers are, for the most part, utterly loyal to their captain and follow his orders without question.
Ranks: Lieutenant, Black Guard, 1st Mate

Description: The third rank.
Ranks: Enforcer, Assassin, Wizard/Shadow Magus

Description: The second rank.
Ranks: Footman, Footpad, Conjurer

Description: The first rank.
Ranks: Adept, Brigand, Bandit, Slave, Peon

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Common Accept Races:

Posted ImagePosted Image Human

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Posted ImageDwarf

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Posted Image Orc

Limited Accept Races:

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Posted Image Tauren

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Posted ImageTroll

Posted ImagePosted Image Blood/High Elf

Accepted Classes:

Posted ImageWarrior
Posted ImageHunter
Posted ImageRogue
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted ImagePriest
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