Guild Progression - The guild is going to progress in a manner like I've never attempted before and perhaps has not been done before. I want the players taking part in this guild to feel as if they were immersed into an environment and could steadily see their efforts progress the guild. I’ll be starting out the group in Orgrimmar, with a small player base. In a nutshell, we’ll work from being a ragtag few that are fed up with the conditions and status of the Horde, into the leaders of a clan unrivaled by any other in the Horde.
Progression - Progression throughout the ranks of the guild will be completely unique. It will revolve around the fame you gain as an Orc within the guild. You must participate in events or host your own to rise in notoriety throughout the land; be it by defeating enemies, winning arena bouts, or summoning the largest elemental we have seen to date. Your rank in the guild will be dependent on your status and support of the members of the guild.
Fame will be the method to rise through the clan's hierarchy. It is granted in the terms of points (tracked by in-game notes). By partaking in events or hosting them, you bring influence to your name. They can be gained in a number of ways - from winning arena matches, to killing enemies, to proving yourself through trials. Literally anything you do could help or hurt your reputation. The following is a list of possible events that may be encountered while playing.
Arena (1-24) - Participating in Arena bouts is one thing - but winning them is another. They are held monthly.
-> Round 1: Two points to the victor. One points to the loser.
-> Round 2: Four points to the victor. Two points to the loser.
-> Round 3: Eight points to the victor. [To The Death]
-> Round 4: Ten points to the victor. [To The Death]
Blooding (10) - For surviving the Blooding, you're allotted Fame, as well as official admission into the clan. The ritual is held monthly.
Dire Wolf (10) - Raising your wolf to full age is noteworthy. For this, however, you must feed and protect him for three months.
Construction (1-10) - Depending on what you build, you will gain Fame for taking it upon yourself to collect the materials, assign the peons, and erect the buildings.
-> Great Hall (50)
-> Barracks (25)
-> Full Walls (15)
-> House (5)
-> Watch Tower (10)
-> Misc. (1-50)
Magical Prowess (1-10) - Distinguishing yourself as a Shaman or Warlock through a show of force or display will give you notoriety as able to wield power.
Feats of Strength (1-50) - Stunning feats of strength as a Warrior may impress the clan.
Discovery (1-10) - Mapmaking is valued in the clan. Depending on how large the area, and how detailed the map, you will gain Fame for aiding in the recon of the guild.
Gathering (1-5) - Gathering basic materials and hunting will gain you a point, but finding valuable resources such as mines with gold or silver, will give you much more.
War (1-10) - Per kill in battle, you will be allotted two points. Per kill to a notable enemy figure will gain you anywhere from three to ten.
Honorable Combat (-50-50) - Claiming victory in a Mak'gora is no small feat. Though, if you dishonor yourself, you may be exiled. If you lose, you're death is assured.
Personality Traits (1) - Bold moves such as openly challenging the Chieftain's authority will gain you some Fame, though it could also gain you a spike through your head. Worth the risk?
Death - Yes, I know. Death. Scary stuff. Many of us are hesitant to release our hard-work into the abyss. Death is a crucial and meaningful part in Orcish society, as well as in roleplay. It has the opportunity to start wars and bring peace. Players in the guild MUST accept the fact that at any time, their character may fall prey to death's sweet call. You are an Orc, now. To be unwelcoming of the reaper is to be a coward and an exile. All types of event-DMing will be done by myself and without rolls or (most of the time) PvE. When larger battles call, however, we will be resorting to both PvE and PvP (Probably 10+ players).
Death is a vital part of Orcish society, like stated before. For Warriors, death is to die, axe in hand, and cross to the afterlife honorably. For Shaman, a simple state of bliss and relief from the maintaining of the Elemental balance of the world. For Warlocks, a hellish refuge of torment and agony.
While in character, death will be present at every turn. If roll-combating, rolling a 10 or below on vital blows will strike you dead. In emotes, I like to think that the server can handle itself if presented defeat (hell, who am I kidding?). In large-scale and PvP battles, if you are bested and provided a 3-line emote, you are dead.
In the arena battles to come or in honorable combat, if stated that the bout is to the death, even if among friends, then that is what it is.
The primary method of resolution will be both PvP and trust emotes. (No Rolling)
Expansion - Expansion in the guild will be encouraged through the collection of resources from around the environment. Much like the Ragehammer method in Outlands, much of our construction will be dependent on what we can collect. Having a lack in hunters, may just cost us starvation if we are not careful.
Expansion will be treated much like the previous Ragehammer methods. Collecting resources over the course of a while and construction over a long period of time may hinder our expansion, but make it more realistic. Every member of the clan is expected to provide for the clan in their own way, bringing something to the table - whether that be food, materials, or recruits.
GHI may be implemented if correctly working, complete with points of interest and tools to harvest custom materials with.
I would like to point out that the process will not be rushed. It will take the course of months to erect a full-blown village and gain status within the village. Patience is key.
Culture - The culture of Orcish society will be heavily relied upon. Warriors are prized. Shamans are revered. Warlocks are feared. In order to present yourself as a true member of the clan, you must first undergo the Blooding - a life or death decision that will assure your spot amongst brothers.
Warriors - The Warriors are the main focus of the Clan's views. Being the bulk of our host, these are the most prized and influential members of the guild. They rely on their brute strength and force to overcome their obstacles, letting nothing stop them in their own personal conquest for glory.
Shaman - The Shaman of our clan are the revered. They are valued in their insight and wisdom. Their words are closely listened to, and their warnings heeded. Their own desire for balance and justice has given them their strength, calling on the elements to aide their honored cause. Seldom will a Chieftain take a Shaman's opinion for granted.
Warlocks - The Warlocks are among the most powerful of the clan, calling on the powers of dark magicks and fel to corrupt and utterly annihilate their foe. They are capable of going toe-to-toe with a Shaman in magical prowess, and also able to hinder rival warriors with curses and ill omens. These ones are not to be taken lightly.
The Blooding - The Blooding is a (monthly) ritual that is undertaken by the clan in which all Runts are prepared spiritually and physically, donning no armor and little weaponry. The Runt must face a challenge presented to him or her by the Warlord and overcome it or die in the process. Desertion from the Blooding will end in the Runt being hunted down and publicly executed.
The Way Of The Warrior - Simply the Way, as it is called, is revered and followed by all Warriors. It states that only in death through combat do we persevere into the afterlife, axe in hand. This ritual is not to be taken lightly, and to not follow it, means great dishonor.
Honorable Combat - This is commonly refereed to as a Mak'gora - a duel of honor or leadership. It is a duel to the death. If you best your opponent and win, and let them live, it is not only disgraceful to yourself, but also to your opponent. If they beg for mercy, they dishonor themselves and may be banished from the clan if mercy is given. (You may initiate any time you feel your honor is direly threatened, though this action is NOT taken lightly. If suspected to be used as a personal tool or show of supremacy, the Chieftain holds the right to intervene.
Wolves - The Worg is a noble creature. They are an essential part to our society - they carry us into war and are our closest friends. If you want a mount for future battles or to travel, you must raise your own pup. From a defenseless youth to a full-grown war hound, they will be yours to protect and support.
Wolfs, like stated previously, are life-long companions. You must feed them. You must protect them. If you do this well, they will serve as long as they live as both a friend and warrior. They are able to be outfitted with armor and weapons to ride into battle, as well as suitable to accompany you wherever you may go.
You must raise your Wolf as you, yourself progress. You will be given a pup when you are inducted into the clan, a gift and a show of trust. From then on, it is yours to command. If your wolf falls prey to death in any shape, then you must treat it as an Orc - with a proper pyre service. (If requested, another pup may be granted. However, as most Orcs like to honor their friend, they may choose to live the remainder of their life without another companion.)
It's all still a rough draft and concepts I'm working on. Subject to change and ready and willing to take suggestions to improve/edit these.
- Clan: Shattered Hand
- Territory: Spires of Arak
Kargath Bladefist leads an army of sadists simply by being the most hate-filled orc to ever attach a scythe to the stump of his severed wrist. Initiates of Kargath’s clan, the Shattered Hand, emulate their chieftain’s vicious body modification, but it’s only the first of many opportunities for new scars, both on their own bodies and in the sculpting clay of their foes’ flesh.
- Clan: Blackrock
- Territory: Gorgrond
A power-mad and tactically brilliant weaponmaster, Blackhand has both the ambition to rule and the cruelty to maintain his hold on the conquered. Under his leadership, the bold orcs of the Blackrock clan arm an entire world with the strength of steel. Blackrock slaves labor whip-crack to whip-crack on frightful siege engines—weapons that will inevitably be turned against the slaves’ families, neighbors, and homes.
- Clan: Bleeding Hollow
- Territory: Tanaan Jungle
After seeing his own death during a vision quest, Kilrogg "Deadeye” embraced the finality of fate, and tore his left eyeball free in a brutally symbolic gesture. Members of Kilrogg’s clan, the Bleeding Hollow, imbue themselves with berserk fury, slather their weapons in hallucinogenic venom, and stalk prey from the treetops, branding their victims’ final moments with visions of pure horror.
- Clan: Shadowmoon
- Territory: Shadowmoon Valley
Though Ner’zhul is contemplative and forward-thinking, his vision of a united orcish culture has been eclipsed by the manipulations of his apprentice, Gul’dan, and the bloody reality of the rising Iron Horde. His clan, the Shadowmoon, has always looked reverently to the stars to guide their fellows. Today, the mysticism of these death-sages nudges Draenor closer to obliteration.
- Clan: Stormreaver
- Territory: Shadowmoon Valley
Indebted to a demonic lord and pitted against the mentor he betrayed, Gul’dan is one of a handful of fel orcs on Draenor, his visage and shamanic power twisted balefully by demonic communion. The outcasts he leads, the Stormreaver clan, now fight to wrest their "rightful” place in the Iron Horde from Gul’dan’s former master Ner’zhul . . . and to tempt a great army of orcs into infernal corruption.
- Clan: Warsong
- Territory: Nagrand
A passionate voice of pride and fury, Grommash Hellscream acknowledges only pronouncements made in the language of swinging axes. His clan, the Warsong, is a nomadic group of deadeyed archers and bellowing wolfriders who gather at the vanguard of the Iron Horde, razing their enemies’ lands and homes to embers, then stamping those embers into ash.
- Clan: Frostwolf
- Faction: Horde
- Territory: Frostfire Ridge
Loyal to his allies and terrifying to his enemies, Durotan has led the Frostwolf clan to a life in one of the most hostile lands imaginable. Durotan’s people rejected the Iron Horde’s call for orcish unity to focus on their own survival. They now subsist in the biting cold of Frostfire Ridge by cloaking themselves in furs and taming the massive frostwolves that accompany them, snarling and howling, in battle after battle.
- Faction: Alliance
As the ancient leader of the draenei, the prophet Velen has spent hundreds of human lifetimes carefully weighing and recording the futures he foresees so that creation itself does not fall. Velen’s guidance preserved his people during an exodus from their homeworld, Argus, but his wisdom is in question after the arrival of the Iron Horde on Draenor. What value is a prophet whose visions cannot prevent calamity?
- Faction: Alliance
Perhaps the most accomplished of all living wizards, Khadgar was an apprentice to the Guardian Medivh until he helped defeat his master and destroy the Dark Portal created to summon the orcs to Azeroth. Though cursed with frailty and age, Khadgar nevertheless remains an exemplar for the Alliance, leading counterattacks against the Burning Legion and all who would threaten his world with annihilation.
- Faction: Alliance
A wandering warrior of faith, Vindicator Maraad is a pillar of draenei society. After prevailing against evil in the Northrend campaign, this hammer-wielding paladin began instructing the other races of the Alliance in the ways of the Light. Exposure to Azeroth’s myriad dangers has left Maraad prone to action above meditation—he will strike while others tarry.
Gold Mine Mined from the rich earth of Azeroth and Lordaeron, this precious metal is commonly used in exchange for goods and services. As a rare substance that is always in short supply, Gold must be dug out from the rock and soil within the established Gold Mines. Many of these Mines were abandoned when the Orc raids began and the workers fled for their very lives. Since the beginning of the War, these sites are frequently operated while under the protection of military forces. Gold is mined at 100 Gold a trip, you can increase the amount carried per trip by upgrading the Town Hall to Keep and more for upgrading to Castle. |
Lumber Harvested from the abundant forests that inhabit all but a few regions in the realm, the uses for Lumber are nearly infinite. Once a tree has been felled and returned to the community, it is processed and made ready for use as Lumber. Craftsman then use this material to build many different structures and ships, as well as certain weapons and machines of war. Lumber may also be used in the research and construction of strange new devices - or by those adept in the arcane arts to aid with their magical studies. |
Oil Large pools of this highly flammable substance are found far beneath the surface of the sea. Special Platforms must be constructed in order to drill deep enough into the ocean floor to get at this sticky, black substance. Dark oily patches, created by small geysers that form on the ocean floor and spawn modest amounts of Oil into the surrounding waters, serve as a beacon to Oil Tankers hunting for the rich black liquid. Although Oil is commonly used in the construction and powering of ships, it has been utilized in the development of buildings and upgrades. |