<The 10th Legion>
Some information you should know.
First: You mean nothing.
Anyone that joins start out as faceless, nameless footsoldiers. No matter what kind of past exploits your character has done or his/her standing in the Alliance, when joining the Legion you start at the bottom.
Basically I will treat the guild as a new faction and those who join will have to gain "reputation" by RPing and doing missions in order to advance in standing and rank.
Second: Your class does not earn you automatic respect.
There has been so much complaning about certain classes, Paladins in particular, that I needed to add this. Some people seem to think they should get respect because they roll a certain class, this won't be the case. While, for example, Paladins may earn some awe and respect from people, it won't be so in the Legion. You start at the bottom like everyone else and earn any respect you want.
Third: Fulfill your role
If you join the guild as a fighter then you are expected to fight, if you join as a peasant then you are expected to work. Don't assume that you are special and can do as you please.
These three points are mostly in regards to the military side and not the civilian side.
Guild name: The 10th Legion
Guild Leader: ???
Faction: Alliance
Allignment: Lawful Good
Accepted Races:
Accepted Classes:
Guild Information:
The initial attacks went well and we pushed the demons back, Alliance and Horde as a unified force against Hell itself. We were winning it seemed, at least for a while, then the portal closed and no more reinforcements could make it through. We are stranded with no escape and an ever increasing darkness encroaching on us. There's only one way left to go...Forward.
The Dark Portal has closed after the first wave went through and now with the Alliance forces splintering, the Humans have rallied under the command of the elite force leading the Expedition through the Portal. As the Dwarves and Gnomes make their way to fight on their own front, the 10th Legion remains in Honor Hold with an adamant resolve to topple Hellfire Citadel and re-open the gateway to Azeroth.
Although cut off and isolated, much like the first Expedition, the 10th Legion has vowed to continue the mission they were sent to Outland to accomplish, or die trying.
The leader of the 10th Legion.
A senior officer in charge of maintaining discipline, training and leading soldiers in battle.
An official of the church sent to oversee the clerics, priests as well as the civilians in the expedition.
A minor officer in charge of leading small groups of soldiers in battle as well as assisting their captains.
Those who achieve the greatest honour and prestige in the legion are promoted to the rank of Legionnaire, the most prestigious rank any soldier of the legion can aspire to.
Though the hearty knights of Stormwind were destroyed during the First War, the shining knights of Lordaeron still continue to serve amongst the warriors of the Alliance. Wading into combat astride their noble warhorses, the knights are renowned for cutting bloody swathes through enemy ranks. The knights' speed and mobility mark them as some of the most versatile warriors of the Alliance.
The paladin is a "warrior of the Holy Light". They uphold all that is good and true in the world and revile all that is evil and sinister — especially undead and the Burning Legion. They offer succor to the beleaguered and smite their enemies with holy fervor.
Requirement: Must use Hammers. Must know the Three Virtues. Must know how to play a Paladin properly. Must -NOT- use the Charger mount.
Wizards are arcane spellcasters who have undertaken intensive study of magic in places such as the Violet Citadel of Dalaran or the Academies of Silvermoon in Quel'Thalas. They do not channel arcane power, but instead use their vast knowledge of otherworldly forces to harness the energies to their will.
Requirement: Only characters who are at least middle aged (taking in account their own races life span) can assume this position.
Even more skilled in the art of death, assassins are those few who have gone on to perfect the arts of murder to an incredibly fine degree.
Clerics can be found all over Azeroth. Clerics are the holy men of Azeroth. Their spiritual leadership keeps both the people and the troops of Azeroth focused upon their mission of everlasting peace. Clerics ability to channel the spirit of humanity through their bodies makes them truly wondrous, and stories of their ability to heal the sick and injured, as well as being able to affect the perceptions of others, are miraculous in nature.
A soldier entrusted to assist officers in maintaining discipline and ensuring orders are followed on the field of battle.
Footmen are warriors who serve as basic infantry in armies of the human nations. Comprising the bulk of the Alliance army, the footman is the heart of the war machine for elves, humans and dwarves. Fighting in close formation, they use proven tactical methods: Advance slowly with shields raised, then draw swords and close to melee range. The grim, mud-slogging soldier initially appears to be a grizzled veteran, until you get a glimpse of his young face. His weapons and armor look worn, like they were scavenged from a battlefield. Footmen like to travel in small groups and form ranks. They are attuned to formation fighting, and coordinate their attacks. They capable of bringing down well-armored opponents.
A Paladin that has yet to prove himself worthy of bear the title. He/She must prove himself in battle and various other tests in order to be allowed to become a fully fledged Paladin in the legion.
Requirement: Must know the Three Virtues. Must know how to play a Paladin properly. Must -NOT- use the Charger mount.
Mages, the most common of arcanists, are found all over Azeroth. They focus on magic that creates and that changes things, most often with the purpose of damaging their enemies and boosting the power of their allies.
The scout excels in wilderness survival and is skilled in combat. They can track a day-old trail and snipe from the treetops with equal facility. Scouts often serve as guides for adventurers, if they are not out adventuring themselves. Though the scout is at home in the wild, they are more a guerrilla fighter than a defender of nature.
The priest is the master of healing and preservation, restoring his wounded allies, shielding them in battle and even resurrecting his fallen comrades from death. While he has a variety of protective and enhancement spells to bolster his allies, the priest can also wreak terrible vengeance on his enemies, using the grand powers of the Holy Light to smite and purge them or the devastating powers of the shadow to decimate their minds.
In terms of fighting potential, militia are a step up from peasants — they have answered, or been forced, a call to arms and have joined an army, where they received armor and weapons. Beneath the leather and steel, however, they are still the same untrained farmers and laborers. Peasants become militia only when their commanders are desperate.
Adepts are generally spell casters in training to become members of other more experienced spell caster classes.
A fairly high standing commoner that has been put in charge of organizing the commoners and peasant workers to ensure all work is done smoothly.
Most citizens are commoners. They are farmers, shopkeepers, tavern owners, and simple craftsmen. They make the wheels of society turn; they chop wood and carry bags of gold ore from mines. The human beggar, and the amateur gnome novelist are all commoners. A village blacksmith who turns out horseshoes and iron pots is a commoner.
Note: This rank is for all those NOT playing as a fighter in the military forces sent by the Alliance. This rank is for all the settlers, peasants, farmers, scholars and any other non-combatant.
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Weapon of Choice:
Officer Application
Officer Positions
Captain: 0/4
Lieutenant: 0/4
Civilian - Foreman: 0/1
Non-Officer Positions
Sergeant: 0/8
To apply for an officer or non-officer position then use the following template:
Character Name:
Character Age:
Desired rank:
Previous leadership or officer experience:
What you can bring to the guild as an officer:
Why should you be picked:
Your personality(Calm, patient, easy to anger etc): Both IC and OOC
Paladin Application
Paladin Positions
Paladin: 0/15
To apply for a Paladin in the guild then use the following template:
Character Name:
Character Age:
Why did you choose a Paladin:
What you can bring to the guild as a Paladin:
Why should you be picked:
Previous experience with playing Paladins:
What do you know of Paladin lore and playstyle: