"The Prophet states that it is here that our fate shall
finally be known. Ten lifetimes spent fleeing from the madness of the
Burning Legion... here we finally make a stand. No more running... I am
ready to die."
- Exarch Menelaous
Guild Name: The Exiled Ones- Exarch Menelaous
Guild Leader: ???
Affiliation: Alliance
Alignment: Lawful Good
Accepted Races:
Accepted Classes:
Guild Information:
The Draenei civilization stands, as always, on the edge of an abyss. That they survived over twenty thousand years of persecution is nothing short of a miracle - by rights they should be extinct a dozen times over. They are a people who live solely on borrowed time. Twice before they have almost been utterly destroyed - aeons ago at the hands of their traitor kin, and more recently at the tender mercies of the orcs. Their resplendent society on Argus is but a distant memory now, but their rebirth on Draenor is a more recent loss. The memory haunts them as they dwell amongst the shattered ruins of all they had accomplished, where they were once butchered like animals. For so long, these near immortals have lived in the shadow of death - and now, they risk their barely surviving race to bring an end to an evil that scours the universe. Either the Burning Legion shall fall, or they will.
But they will not stand alone.
Under the banner of the Prophet and the Naaru, and by the grace of the Light, the Draenei will find allies. They will build an Army of the Light, the foundation for victory against their ancient foe. That victory may be centuries or thousands of years ahead, but assured of their task the Draenei can afford to be patient. More immediately, in what is left of their home they will oppose the injustices and sacrileges that have desecrated the entire continent - from the slavery of their disgraced krukol kin in Zangarmarsh, to the abomination that was once known as the Temple of Karabor. As long as the Draenei live and breathe, they will be a force for righteousness in a dying world that knows only tyranny and slaughter. Violence does not become their nature, but as a last resort to secure a better future - a future where the sanctity of life is respected as it ought to be - it is a course the Draenei will readily adopt. Hence, those that seek to do them harm - be they the Legions' pawns, the orcish savages or the bloodthirsty elves - shall be repaid in kind.
Grand Anchorite (Guild Leader)
A religuous and spirtual leader among people, the Grand Anchorite both manages the clergy, and sets a moral and principled example for Draenei to follow. The Grand Anchorite is answerable to her peers in the clergy, her superiors such as High Priestess Ishanah, and ultimately to the Prophet and the Naaru themselves. In the event that the guild leader is not a priest, this rank will change accordingly - Exarch, for example.
Triumvir (Officer)
As it was on Argus with Velen, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, or with the Exarchs of the Hand of Argus, the Draenei are fond of organizing themselves in threes. The two Triumvirs that assist the guild leader are as one in prestige and import.
Ranks religious:
An honorific title bestowed upon their priesthood, the anchorites are the bedrock of the sacred covenant with Velen and the Naaru. Examplars of piety and the moral compass of the Draenei people.
The members of the Hand of Argus are more warrior then priest, though their acts are motivated by faith. Wielders of the sacred light, they are the strong arm of justice and retribution.
True Seeker
Reluctantly admitted into Draenei society on the word of the Prophet, the True Seekers are recognized as sincerely following their shamanistic path in addition to their professed piety for the Light.
Those who have undertaken a religious calling, but have yet to distinguish themselves, regardless of what that calling may entail.
Ranks secular:
The backbone of the Draenei army, the Harbingers are honoured for their prowess in the battlefield. They may be respected even by their hated enemies for the ferocity with which they defend their imperilled race.
The Draenei mastery of the arcane is formidable, and indeed it was the notice of such that brought Sargeras' attention to their world - but the same skilled magecraft has kept the Draenei safe in the centuries since. Draenei Magi are far removed from their corrupted Eredar brethren, practicing magic ethically.
Practitioners of a bond with nature that makes them not unsympathetic to the shamans, the Venator are skilled huntsmen, who, though they use Draenei technology extensively, also believe in a respect for the land and the ecological balance.
Builders, engineers, jewelcrafters, merchants, labourers, and others for whom their profession is a calling above any clangour of battle or the call of faith.
The laity are those who have chosen a non-religious path of life. They may be those who will someday rise to renown as Harbingers, Magi, Artificers or Venator, although they may also follow paths that do not include such roles.
Buccaneer’s Mantle
Acolyte’s Robe
Aboriginal Gloves
Feral Warp-Staff
Archmage Robe
Peacekeeper's Set
Robe of the Dragon Slayer
Blackened Leather Spaulders
Scale Brand Breastplate
Beaten Chain Leggings
Battle Worn Gauntlets
Ranks elite:
Handwraps of the Incarnate
Light-Collar of the Incarnate
Light-Mantle of the Incarnate
Robes of the Incarnate
Trousers of the Incarnate
Cincture of Will
Justicar Chestguard
Justicar Faceguard
Justicar Handguards
Justicar Legguards
Justicar Shoulderguards
Girdle of Truth
Boots of Valiance
True Seeker:
Tidefury Helm
Tidefury Shoulderguards
Tidefury Chestpiece
Tidefury Kilt
Tidefury Gauntlets
Breastplate of the Bold
Gauntlets of the Bold
Legplates of the Bold
Shoulderguards of the Bold
Warhelm of the Bold
Lion’s Heart Girdle
Eaglecrest Warboots
Collar of the Aldor
Gloves of the Aldor
Legwraps of the Aldor
Pauldrons of the Aldor
Vestments of the Aldor
Nethershard Girdle
Greaves of Desolation
Hauberk of Desolation
Gauntlets of Desolation
Helm of Desolation
Pauldrons of Desolation
Outland Striders
Blackened Leather Spaulders
Heavy Clefthoof Vest
Cloudrunner Girdle
Heavy Clefthoof Leggings
Heavy Clefthoof Boots
Arctic Wristguards