What is inscription anyways? I mean, we all know that it's the newest profession, added in Wrath of the Lich King,
and it lets you make these "glyphs" which allow you to modify or
improve your various class abilities in interesting ways. In gaming
terms all that makes perfect sense, but when it comes to telling a story
with your character, there are a lot of details missing.
Technically, a glyph
is a character or symbol, like a heiroglyph or a pictograph, which we
can see to a certain extent when we click on the glyph and put it into
our in-game glyph interface -- it looks pretty cool with all those
circles and lines and stuff. But what does it really mean? Are you
pasting these symbols into a book of some sort? Are they getting
magically tattooed onto your skin somewhere?
And where did
inscription come from to begin with? Has it been around in Azeroth all
along somehow, or was it some sort of ancient knowledge only discovered
recently, around the time in the Warcraft lore when the Wrath of the Lich King
begins? If it was discovered, then who discovered it and how? How
exactly does a scribe learn these glyphs? Does he or she pore over
ancient tomes that haven't been read in thousands of years, trying to
decipher ancient texts? Or is the art and magic of it more in the
artistic calligraphy of it rather than any difficulty in discovering or
interpreting the symbols themselves?
There are far more questions
than answers when it comes to roleplaying a scribe, and to a large
extent each roleplayer is free to choose his or her own approach. What
follows is the just one suggestion as to how you might work out a
plausible solution -- please feel free to read it and improve upon it in
whatever way you like.
A dearth of lore
When jewelcrafting was introduced in The Burning Crusade, it came with this new species called the Draenei,
who had lots of connections to jewels and the magics they could
contain. It made sense that everyone in Azeroth would start learning
this new and mystical profession with their arrival on this world.
inscription is less clear. To me it feels as though it's been around
for a long time, perhaps as a long forgotten art form, and it's only
recently been discovered again. Although we don't know many characters
in the Warcraft lore who have
identified themselves as magical scribes the way our characters can, we
do see a number of characters who use "runes" and other forms of magical
writing. Death Knights and the Lich King himself are the most obvious examples, but Iron Dwarves
also use runes of various sorts to bring about magical effects. The
inscription we can all learn as a profession may be related to that in
some way.
On the other hand, we could say that there are
significant differences between runes and glyphs as well. It may be that
a death knight's runes are pure evil (like fel magic), while glyphs are more neutral (like arcane).
Also, the death knight's rune interface in the game actually uses
symbols that look more like modern-day icons rather than cryptic magical
writing of some sort. Perhaps death knight runes are more about
necromantic energy than they are about letters in some ancient and evil
An ancient language
I prefer to ignore the in-game icons in the death knight interface and
assume that the actual death knight runes look more like the original
ones used in the Wrath beta (and now in death knight addons such as "DKiRunes").
I also assume that they are letters in some ancient writing script
whose origin is not clear. It could be the language of the Titans, the Old Gods,
the demons, or even the ancient elves from before the sundering of the
world. Even the Lich King himself, I would say, is only partly aware of
the full meaning of the language he uses in his necromantic magic.
would also argue that this language was lost for the most part on
Azeroth, except in Northrend. The Lich King probably discovered it years
ago when he was originally banished in the northern continent, and bent
its magic towards his aim of raising a massive army of undead. Later
on, Dwarven expeditions would have had a chance to head north and
discover these runes in their archeological excavations. Having brought
this knowledge back to the other races of Azeroth, the peoples of the
world could have learned how to use these magical symbols in ways that
are totally unrelated to the Lich King and the undead. They could
discover that, just like English words can be used to promote
enlightened understanding as well as bigotry, the words of the ancient
language can be used to improve one's Fireball spell as well as channel
undead energy through a death knight's runeblade.
from my point of view, inscription glyphs and death knight runes are
basically different words the same language. The difference between
scribes and death knights lies in how they use these symbols more than
in the symbols themselves. If you look at the original death knight
symbols, they even look similar to the glyphs, which helps to support
this idea.
The art of inscription
you consider other ancient writing systems with pictorial elements,
such as Egyptian hieroglyphics or Chinese characters, there's always some element of art
involved in the actual writing which goes above and beyond the actual
meaning of the word itself. Hieroglyphs were presented with great
clarity and color, while Chinese is presented in more abstract forms,
often flowing from one stroke to another like streams of water. It
stands to reason that a decent scribe in Azeroth would have to do more
than just write a glyph in any old way, but would have to inscribe it
very carefully, with the utmost attention to art and form, in order for
it to have its magic.
When I imagine what it must be like to be a
magical scribe (as opposed to just a regular scribe who would take
notes at meetings and such), images come to mind of our characters
studying old tomes long buried and forgotten, covered in dust and
ancient writings few living people now understand. As the difficult
translating work goes on, people discover more and more tattoo-like
markings which have a magical power of their own when written on or
transferred to a person's body.
Being inscripted upon
only assuming that glyphs are written on the body itself, of course,
but actually it's an open question not yet clarified in the game or in
the lore at all. Are they written on your weapons or armor? Do you carry
around sheets of paper with these magics written on them?
they are written on the skin, a master scribe could write them on a
magical sheet of paper, and then adventurers like you and me could just
apply the glyph to their skin so that the glyph could transfer it over.
These glyphs would then stick to the skin like tattoos, which could be
either very discreet, hidden away under the clothes, or else displayed
openly wherever one likes.
One glyph might make a person
slightly better at shooting a particular type of arrow, while another
might make a shaman's lightning more potent. Many would seem to have no
effect at all if they were worn by someone with no actual ability in the
designated area. Perhaps a typical scribe might seek willing (or
unwilling subjects) to practice writing particularly indecipherable
glyphs upon, in the hope of discovering what they do. This could be
something we do while we level up the profession.
Other possibilities
All this is only one of multiple solutions to the problem of adapting inscription to the lore of Warcraft.
If you prefer to say that the inscription your character studies is
more of an artistic thing than anything involving ancient texts, then
feel free to make it your own branch of the art. If you feel like the
artistic element shouldn't matter, then there's room for that too.
could imagine other possible origins for inscription as well -- are all
glyphs cursed because of some connection to the Old Gods? Have they
been around in Azeroth all along? Perhaps it doesn't really matter that
inscription was only added to the game in Wrath of the Lich King, if we
all just agree that it's been around all this time as far as the story
is concerned. Virtually every aspect of this profession can be
re-imagined in one way or another.
How do you fit inscription into the lore and into the life of your character?